TWO free livestreams featuring familiar ZOE faces x2 week!!!

Starting TONIGHT @6pm PST, we’re running TWO weekly livestreams with our friends at (also available on Hyper’s YouTube page afterward)

Fridays (6pm PST) – “Death from Above” featuring big stompy BattleTech mechs and our own MATT SHIMKUS as the GM! (with regular appearances by Christian Doyle, Steve Wolbrecht, Sarah Sanders-Ode, Chris Ode, and others!)

Mondays (6pm PST) – “Masters of the Metaverse” featuring CHRIS ODE as the GM and a full cast of ZOE regulars (with a SPECIAL MATT VANCIL GM’d SERIES SET IN FARTHERALL COMING SOON!)

Check ’em out live. Check ’em out recorded. But check ’em out: cuz that’s a whole lot of ZOE-style comedy/drama/fun we’re throwing your way EVERY WEEK!

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