Perf/Carrow Blooper Video + Weekly Update

Patreon Backer Bonus: Bloopers Aplenty 

We’re getting ready to send out the videos for our $500-level JQ3 Kickstarter Backers. And we thought YOU fabulous people deserved a little sneak-peek of the outtakes!  

ZOE Patreon Update 20170125

Hey, everyone! 

Here we are, making good on our promise for more updates more often. Now that you’ve seen the general overview of our timeline for the next 6 months or so, we’re going to jump into some detailed info about each project.

But first, a quick note about one of the dates: We’re pushing the launch of the next Strowlers project out by a week. Mongolia Strowlers Kickstarter launches next week. 

And now, ONWAAAAARD to some info about timelines and rewards for…


We’ve spent the last 2 weeks dealing with some complicated subtitles issues that took some time to address. It’s all been solved! (Details for Process Nerds below.) But it did put us a little behind schedule. 

It has also put us in a position we always try to avoid, which is launching a new Kickstarter (Strowlers Mongolia) before the rewards for the last one have been delivered. In this case, unfortunately, it just can’t be avoided if we don’t want to fall behind on our future projects. So, we hope that we’ve built up the trust in all you amazing people over the years that if you want to back our new project, you have complete confidence that your rewards are coming and they are awesome. 

Here’s where we are now with JQ3 rewards:

· This week we’re completing test builds of the DVD/Bluray and sending it out for manufacturing ASAP.

· The completed disc contents include: Feature cut of JQ3, 2-hour making-of video, and subtitles in 7 languages (Including elvish).

· Blu-rays do take longer to manufacture than DVDs (closer to 4 weeks), but the rest of the rewards are all staged and ready to ship. 

· In order to get things in your hands as quickly as possible, we’ll start shipping rewards in batches in February, including the badge and digital downloads for Patreon backers. 

For instance, we’ll send a round of digital rewards, ship all the US domestic rewards that don’t have Blu-rays in one batch, all the Blu-ray rewards in another, and then ship out EU-bound physical rewards on a pallet to our UK fulfilment partner. 


It’s time to get cracking on the videos for our $100-level Patron Backers! Watch your inboxes for an email from Princess DeCicco in the next couple of weeks to get some info from you. 

As always, feel free to reach out in the comments if you have any questions or concerns!

And, as promised, for all the process nerds….

Hey, everyone, Ben here. 

Here’s how we handled subtitles for JQ3. This is minus the setbacks and occasional dead ends. I tracked the entire process, because it’s ridiculous.


Create and sync all English subs for ten episodes
Export SBV from Amara


Open in TextEdit


Save as UTF-16 .TXT

Open in Excel as single column

Save as XLSX

Upload to Gdrive

Convert to Sheets

Append to master subtitle translation spreadsheet


Fans crowdsource translations.

WHEN COMPLETE, export XLSX from Sheets


Open in Excel

Delete “heading” rows

Copy correct language column

Paste into TextEdit

Find/Replace [br] with “return”

Save as UFT-16 .SBV


Open SBV in SubtitleEdit


Open episode subs

Subtract 11 seconds

Add number of offset seconds from deviance spreadsheet

Subtract post-titles offset seconds from deviance spreadsheet

Save and close file

Append subs to feature subs file


Repeat for all episodes



Subtract 11 seconds




Open and reconvert SBV via TextEdit to Excel

Use complicated filtering and formula process to propagate correct timecode to translations

Reexport feature subs from Excel file into TextEdit .sbv


Convert .sbv to .srt in SubEdit


Andy retimes all subs for DVD


Receive file back from Andy

Convert .srt to Encore .txt


Import Encore .txt into DVD project

Cry a little. On the inside.

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