Award Winning News + Poll: JourneyQuest Rewards

Hi everyone!

Thanks to your support we won big at Vancouver Web Fest last weekend, including Best Pilot for The Gamers: The Shadow Menace. That’s right, our tiny gaming comedy beat three other mainstream television pilots and our very own Strowlers. But then Strowlers won for best VFX, so we’re not complaining!

Then, this morning Matt Vancil dropped the script for JourneyQuest Season 5 on us. Yes, you read that correctly. We now have both remaining seasons in our grubby hands and are assessing how we can shoot them most efficiently.

This is where you come in. We’re seriously considering something a little unusual…

We’ve had to cut important scenes from the show in every season due to budget limitations and Seasons 4 & 5 appear to be no different. So we’re thinking about running a special Kickstarter campaign, very soon, to fund JourneyQuest Extended, which would allow us to pick up not only what we’ve missed so far, but what we know we’d have to cut moving forward.

This would be a smaller campaign, but it would allow us to get into production immediately, take major pressure off our our budgets for 4 and 5, and (hopefully) hit an achievable campaign goal before the final minutes of the Kickstarter for once. Plus, our Patreon production fund would provide a crucial additional boost!

We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below! We’d also love to poll you on which companion award for this project is more intriguing: an Elvish/English Dictionary or a Fartherall World Bible. Both could upgrade via stretch goals into gorgeous, deluxe hardcover editions, but THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE (this time).

What do you think?

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