It’s a new week and that means NEW LIVESTREAM RPGS with ZOE! On Saturday @ 1PM PT it’s DEATH FROM ABOVE: LEGACY, our Battletech Inspired RPG! Last week Leo and Mason faced off a mysterious member of ROM, and Leo was offered something by ComStar that could change everything. This week, it’s time for the Jade Falcons to deal with the aftermath of the Trial Of Refusal! And what book will Bekker’s Book Club pick this time?
Then on Monday at 6pm PT, it’s time for more PROJECT: METAVERSE! This is our original RPG, think Sliders Meets Quantum Leap. Last Monday, the pilots found themselves in a distinctly noir version of Chicago, trying to solve a murder before they’re snuffed out themselves. This week we have a very special guest: the one and only Larry Dixon will be joining the cast! You won’t want to miss this!
We hope you can tune in to watch all these amazing shows live or catch them on the VOD, either on Twitch or on the ZOE Live YouTube Channel! After the show, come by the ZOE Discord to chat, ask questions, and hang out with other ZOE fans.