Gamers the Series – Script Readers Requested (SPOILERS)

Hey, $25+ backers! We’re getting very close to launching some Gamers the Series teasers (there’s an update about this coming later for all of our backers) and we could use some feedback on a couple of script drafts.

These drafts are for a Patreon-funded “Gamers Season 0”. Best-case, we can start shooting right after American Thanksgiving!

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments, especially regarding:

• Does this explain “The Incident” in a way that you are satisfied with?
• Do these feel like the characters that you remember and love?

• Do you want to have the first three minutes of the “Season 1” pilot spoiled, or should we keep the show’s core concept a secret for a while longer?

Thanks much! You should see two PDF attachments to this post. Please don’t share or discuss them outside of this comment thread.

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